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18 02 2022

Renewal of our Ecovadis gold medal

What is Ecovadis?

Ecovadis is a rating company capable of assessing environmental, social and ethical performance – commonly referred to as CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) performance – in the way we do business. Having become a benchmark throughout the world, this organization assesses more than 75,000 companies in 160 countries each year.

The Ecovadis rating covers a wide spectrum of non-financial management systems, in particular their consequences in issues such as the Environment, Social & Human Rights, Ethics and Responsible Purchasing. Each company is assessed on essential issues according to its size, location and sector of activity.

Why be assessed by Ecovadis?

This rating by an independent body recognized internationally allows our customers to have access to our performance scorecards, based on evidence. Ecovadis combines an information system and a network of experts to provide simple, reliable and comparable ratings covering 21 indicators (ranging from “CO2 emissions” to “child labour”).

For Bong, it is also a tool for monitoring and improving our CSR performance. The assessment report allows us to easily identify the areas on which it is important to establish an action plan in order to improve. It is therefore a step towards becoming a more responsible company.  In addition, transmitting the results of our CSR performance to our stakeholders on simple request, is to respond to the same need for openness that we impose on ourselves.

What does the Gold level correspond to?

An overall score (between 0 and 100) is assigned to Bong during each annual assessment by Ecovadis. The Gold medal corresponds to the Top 5% of companies assessed by Ecovadis in 2021, with an overall score between 66 and 72.

Bong obtained its first Ecovadis silver medal in 2013 and has remained a gold medallist since 2016. Each year, our rating improves, demonstrating our efforts to improve our performance.


Would you like to know more about our Ecovadis assessment? Contact us!